Controlled Capture Systems Announces...
"It is good news, worthy of all acceptation; and yet not too good to be true." -Matthew Henry
New book from our founder: The Ultimate AndroiDAQ Guide (also available on Google Play Books)
News Release
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
For Release: IMMEDIATE
Contact: Rick Fluck (
Controlled Capture Systems (
271 9th Street
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404
Controlled Capture Systems Announces AndroiDAQ Price Reduction
Idaho Falls, ID, June 4 2014 –Controlled Capture Systems, LLC announced today an across the board price reduction for their AndroiDAQ data acquisition module for Android, Java, Python, and LabVIEW product lines. “We have been working hard to streamline our production and other internal processes, to bring to our customers an affordable data acquisition product which offers a reduced cost-per-channel price than our major competitors.” said Rick Fluck CEO and founder of Controlled Capture Systems, “Our efforts have paid off in the shape of dramatic cost reductions which we are now able to pass on to our customers.”
The AndroiDAQ data acquisition module is a 24-channel, breadboard compatible device with pricing starting at under 200-dollars per unit. The module has 16-channels of digital input and output functions, all of which are capable of providing pulse width modulation and other complex waveforms, as well as frequency and pulse counting measurements. The remaining 8-channels provide 12-bit analog to digital conversion for sensor output and other voltage measurements. The customizable module can be controlled via USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi. The company offers multiple open source demonstration programs in many of the popular software programming languages like Android, to aid the end user in creating quality and accurate data acquisition systems. “We created the AndroiDAQ module as we were not happy with the number of channel offerings, electronic counter limitations, board size, and cost per channel of other commercially available data acquisition products currently on the market.” added Fluck. More information about the AndroiDAQ module can be found at the company’s website ( or by contacting Controlled Capture Systems directly.
About Controlled Capture Systems
Controlled Capture Systems was founded to aid businesses in making their new product dreams a reality. They are the designers and manufacturers of the AndroiDAQ data acquisition module for Android and other popular programming languages. They also provide hardware, firmware, and software design services that use the latest industry standard development environments. Since its inception, Controlled Capture Systems has consulted with many start-up businesses, inventors, and innovators, in aiding them with the production of their Intellectual Property and product development, from pre-production presentation to investors to full production manufacture.
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Link: Controlled Capture Systems Announces AndroiDAQ Price Reduction
News Release
Thursday, April 18, 2013
For Release: IMMEDIATE
Contact: Rick Fluck (
Controlled Capture Systems (
271 9th Street
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404
Controlled Capture Systems Announces AndroiDAQ, a 24-channel Wireless Data Acquisition System for Android™

Controlled Capture Systems, a systems integration and product design company based in Idaho Falls, Idaho, announced today the release of AndroiDAQ©, a multi-channel, multi-processor controlled, wireless data acquisition and control development module, for use with Android™ phones and tablets, and for Windows™ laptops, or personal computers.
The AndroiDAQ module features 24 I/O channels, of which, sixteen can be configured for use as TTL level inputs or outputs, for frequency or timing measurements, or for frequency synthesis output. The module’s remaining eight channels feature a 12-bit ADC processor for voltage measurements.
The AndroiDAQ module contains a powerful eight-core microcontroller whose firmware is open source, an on-board Real-Time-Clock, and a micro-SD card file system for data logging with time-stamp inclusion. The module is powered by a 9-12-volt DC source and is 5-volt DC input tolerant, which makes the module ideal for portable data collection and remote controlling applications.
The module offers wired connectivity via USB cabling or wireless connectivity via Class One Bluetooth or WiFi radio options. The company offers, for free, their open source, user customizable, control application software under the product name AndroiDAQ DEMO, for both the Android™ operating system and the LabVIEW™ programming language, for out-of-the-box operability. It is also compatible with JAVA™ and other popular programming languages.
“We designed the AndroiDAQ module because as a systems integration company, we weren't content with the number of channel limitations and cost per channel considerations regarding other commercially available data acquisition products that are currently on the market.” states Rick Fluck, CEO of Controlled Capture Systems, “The AndroiDAQ circuitry has proved to us time and again that it is very versatile when used in our product designs, so we want to offer it to students, developers, engineers, and product designers to help them make their product dreams a reality with a cost effective development module.” added Fluck.
Controlled Capture Systems has been providing custom systems integration services in both hardware and software design since 2002, to government and industrial customers. The company's expertise includes machine vision, image processing, and vision enabled data acquisition systems.
Further information regarding AndroiDAQ and the company may be obtained by going to the company's web site ( or by contacting Controlled Capture Systems directly.
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Controlled Capture Systems Announces AndroiDAQ, a 24-channel Data Acquisition System for Android™
Controlled Capture Systems Announces AndroiDAQ, a 24-Channel Wireless Data Acquisition System for Android™
News Release
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
For Release: IMMEDIATE
Contact: Rick Fluck (
Controlled Capture Systems (
271 9th Street
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404
Controlled Capture Systems, a systems integration and product design company based in Idaho Falls, Idaho, announced today the release of AndroiDAQ©, a multi-channel, multi-processor controlled, wireless data acquisition and control development module, for use with Android™ phones and tablets, and for Windows™ laptops, or personal computers.
The AndroiDAQ module features 24 I/O channels, of which, sixteen can be configured for use as TTL level inputs or outputs, for frequency or timing measurements, or for frequency synthesis output. The module’s remaining eight channels feature a 12-bit ADC processor for voltage measurements.
The AndroiDAQ module contains a powerful eight-core microcontroller whose firmware is open source, an on-board Real-Time-Clock, and a micro-SD card file system for data logging with time-stamp inclusion. The module is powered by a 9-12-volt DC source and is 5-volt DC input tolerant, which makes the module ideal for portable data collection and remote controlling applications.
The module offers wired connectivity via USB cabling or wireless connectivity via Class One Bluetooth or WiFi radio options. The company offers, for free, their open source, user customizable, control application software under the product name AndroiDAQ DEMO, for both the Android™ operating system and the LabVIEW™ programming language, for out-of-the-box operability. It is also compatible with JAVA™ and other popular programming languages.
“We designed the AndroiDAQ module because as a systems integration company, we weren't content with the number of channel limitations and cost per channel considerations regarding other commercially available data acquisition products that are currently on the market.” states Rick Fluck, CEO of Controlled Capture Systems, “The AndroiDAQ circuitry has proved to us time and again that it is very versatile when used in our product designs, so we want to offer it to students, developers, engineers, and product designers to help them make their product dreams a reality with a cost effective development module.” added Fluck.
Controlled Capture Systems has been providing custom systems integration services in both hardware and software design since 2002, to government and industrial customers. The company's expertise includes machine vision, image processing, and vision enabled data acquisition systems.
Further information regarding AndroiDAQ and the company may be obtained by going to the company's web site ( or by contacting Controlled Capture Systems directly.
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Controlled Capture Systems Announces AndroiDAQ, a 24-channel Data Acquisition System for Android™
Controlled Capture Systems Announces AndroiDAQ, a 24-Channel Wireless Data Acquisition System for Android™
News Release
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
For Release: IMMEDIATE
Contact: Rick Fluck (
Controlled Capture Systems (
271 9th Street
Idaho Falls, Idaho 83404
Controlled Capture Systems Announces Technical Sponsorship with ADVEVA-EcoCar
ADVEVA_EcoCar New Prototype Vehicle
Controlled Capture Systems is proud to announce that we are an official technical sponsor for the ADVEVA-EcoCar electric/solar vehicle racing team from the Paris West University. ADVEVA-EcoCar will be utilizing our +AndroiDAQ© Data Acquisition Module for Android™. to make improvements on their on-board electrical management system.
Since 2009 ADVEVA-EcoCar has been challenging mileage competitions like the Shell Eco Marathon and the EducEco Challenge with good results (they are 2 time winners in the electric and solar categories). This year ADVEVA-EcoCar is making a new prototype car (image shown) for the 2013-2014 season which is based on the world-record PAC CAR II see:
For more information about the ADVEVA-EcoCar IUT-VA team please see:
To see ADVEVA-EcoCar's new prototype car please see:
To read more about the Shell Eco Marathon please see:
To read more about the EducEco please see:
For more information on what AndroiDAQ can do for you and your project please see:
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