The AndroiDAQ oScope for LabVIEW is a new LabVIEW application VI that is now included in Controlled Capture Systems’ AndroiDAQ DEMO for LabVIEW library project. oScope allows you to acquire a user set number of analog to digital samples at user set time-based intervals, much like a digital oscilloscope. oScope uses LabVIEW’s Waveform graph to plot the received sample data from the AndroiDAQ module to give you a visual representation of the signal on channel zero of the AndroiDAQ ADC.
To use oScope with your AndroiDAQ
module, ensure that you have the newest version of AndroiDAQ firmware installed
on your AndroiDAQ module, which is firmware version 4.07. You will also need to
download the newest version of the AndroiDAQ DEMO for LabVIEW library project
that has a filename of These two files are
located for download at:
Unzip the two downloaded files into
a folder location that you can remember on your computer, for example your
desktop. First open and reprogram your AndroiDAQ module with the newest 4.07
firmware using the Propeller Tool and then open LabVIEW and browse to find and open
the AndroiDAQ.lvprog file. The oScope application is called
which is listed in the AndroiDAQ.lvprog project list. Click on the file to open the front panel of new AndroiDAQ oScope. The
AndroiDAQ oScope can be used via USB, Bluetooth, or Wi-Fi with an appropriately
equipped AndroiDAQ module. When the VI is ran, the oScope application will ask
you if you want to connect via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi if the application doesn’t
sense the FTDI chip used on the AndroiDAQ module for USB communication. Enter
your desired connection type and then enter the asked for parameters. Upon
completion, AndroiDAQ oScope will inform you of the connection status and port
number, and the “connected?” Boolean light will turn green. If your connection
fails, please ensure that you have the FTDI driver installed on your computer,
or that the Bluetooth radio paired with Windows, or that you are using the
correct IP address for Wi-Fi communications.
The AndroiDAQ oScope application utilizes
the FTDI driver for LabVIEW methods, or functions, to check if the USB port
senses a FTDI chip. If it does sense a FTDI chip on the USB port, the oScope
application requests the USB COM port number and then uses LabVIEW’s VISA
communication VIs to connect and communicate
with the AndroiDAQ module. Below is a LabVIEW wiring diagram that shows how oScope
is wired to perform these functions. This wiring diagram can be seen in OScope
by double clicking the
Setup FTDI chip,
detect COM port and connect status
If you follow the above wiring diagram,
you will see that the FT_Get_Device Description_By_Index VI is called, which
looks at all COM ports on the computer system and then reports back if it found
any FTDI chip. Then the FT_ Open_Device_By_Description and Get_COM_Port_Number
VIs are run, which gives us which COM port number that the FTDI chip is
connected to. The FT_Status LabVIEW Property node returns a numerical value,
which if not zero, is converted to a ‘true’ Boolean value if the FTDI chip is
found. The FT_Status RingText property is used to show the various text codes
outputted if an FTDI chip is found and also if there is a problem with
communications with the chip.
Following the wiring diagram passed the in oScope, we then enter a communications setup while
loop (see below), which uses the VISA communications VIs
to configure the serial COM port’s protocols. Special characters are also
enabled in VISA to provide end of line implementation, via the ASCII line feed
character (TermChar 10). You will note that in this diagram that we also
control Wi-Fi (TCP) and Bluetooth setup, depending on if the FTDI chip on USB
is detected. If it is not detected, the application opens a dialog box to ask
you how you would like to connect to the AndroiDAQ module. The choices are
Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. Depending on which choice is made by the user, another
dialog box opens, via or, which asks for the
Bluetooth COM port name or TCP address and port number, respectively. After the
user’s input, the communications while loop then runs the appropriate
conditional statement to setup VISA/TCP communication for that selected
communications protocol using the input from the user.
USB Setup using VISA
VIs and Linefeed Character as TermChar
Bluetooth Setup,
similar to USB setup
TCP or Wi-Fi Setup
using VISA TCP VIs
After all VISA protocol settings are set,
the communications setup while loop exits giving us a VISA or TCP string
reference data type and also an Error out data type to use with other VISA
functions. These data types allow us to read to and write from the COM or TCP
port via VISA read/write VIs or TCP read/write VIs.
Following along the wiring diagram of oScope, we then enter the main state
machine, or main while loop, of the AndroiDAQ communications engine, which also
controls the user’s interface. We will now review some of the oScope functions
in this main while loop wiring diagram.
In oScope for LabVIEW you can
read the AndroiDAQ SD-card log file, delete this log file, and also read and
set AndroiDAQ’s real-time clock. Below is the LabVIEW wiring diagram for these
functions. You should also note that Bytes at Port is utilized to read serial
data from the AndroiDAQ module. To ensure all bytes are received before
plotting the data on to the Waveform graph, we use a SampleBits variable which
represents the expected number of bytes we expect to receive depending on the
number of samples entered by the user. This number is calculated in the next
Wiring Diagram to
Read the Serial Data from AndroiDAQ and other Functions
To get samples, you enter the desired number of samples that you want to take (1 to 2048 samples are possible) and also the sample rate at which you want the samples to be acquired. When “Read Samples” is pressed, oScope will calculate and inform you of the required time for you to wait to receive the desired samples, and then when the samples are received by oScope, the oScope application will then plot the waveform of the samples on a Wavform graph. You will note in the diagram that SampleBits is calculated to determine the expected number of bytes per number of samples desired. Below is the wiring diagram of the readSample function:
Read Sample Button
Sends Serial Menu Command
oScope uses LabVIEW’s Waveform
graph to plot the received sample from the AndroiDAQ module. The y-axis is the
number of samples from 1 to 2048, which automatically adjusts depending on the
sample number you entered to read. The x-axis is the range of the AndroiDAQ ADC
chip 0 to 4096, as it is a 12-bit device. As you can see there are no
conversions to voltage or other units in oScope, this is left to you. Both axis
plots are divided into division of ten segments, depending on the number of
samples taken, for ease of interpretation after the plot is completed.
Waveform Graph
Plotting of Data Received
If you review the new firmware
(snippets shown below) by opening the AndroiDAQRev4.07.spin file, you will
notice that we added three new functions under the MenuLoop subroutine: ReadADC,
ReadADC2, and ReadADC3, which correspond to menu items 16, 17, and 18
respectively (if these subroutines are missing in your AndroiDAQ spin file,
please ensure that you have the correct version of firmware).
'MenuLoop for user input via menu number commands
for user input via Serial numerical commands
menu := 0
menu := debug.rxcheck 'This section
allows menu driven actions via USB
if menu > 0
'using value of "set" depending on what GUI sends
item := debug.GetDec
if item == 0 'if
set=0, Setup Prop Pins
'debug.str(String("Set Pins of
AndroiDAQ", CR, LF))
if item == 1 'if
set=1, Setup Prop Operation
'debug.str(String("Set Config
of AndroiDAQ", CR, LF))
if item == 2 'if
set=2, Return input values
if item == 3 'if
set=3, this is a testloop to add your code
if item == 4 'if
set=4, Read values from ADC and convert then send
if item == 5
Clock set at: ", CR, LF))
GetTime 'Get RTC chip time
if item == 6
debug.str(String("Auto Setting
AndroiDAQ Clock", CR, LF))
'Set RTC chip time via system clock
if item == 7
Log File Contents: ", CR, LF))
'Read SD card log.txt file
if item == 8
AndroiDAQ Log File", CR, LF))
'Delete SD card log.txt file
if item == 9
COGSTOP(stop) 'Stop
continuous read of inputs
if item == 10
stop := COGNEW(GetInputsCont,
@stack2[0]) 'Read inputs
if item == 11
voltsStop := COGNEW(GetVoltsCont,
@stack2[0]) 'Read ADC voltage
levels continuously
if item == 12
COGSTOP(voltsStop) 'Stop reading
ADC voltage levels continuously
if item == 13
CenterPanTilt 'Center
Pan/Tilt assembly with servo and stepper
if item == 14
'Move servo motor(s)
if item == 15
MoveStepper 'Move
stepper motor
if item == 16
if item == 17
if item == 18
PUB ReadADC | rate, tStart, t1, t2, time, x
''Reads channel 0 of ADC
ADC.start(19, 20, 18, 00_0001) 'Start ADC
menu := 0
autoADC == 0
:= debug.rxcheck
'This section gets #samples and rate from Serail port
menu > 0
samples := debug.GetDec
'Get number of samples limited to 4096 due to array limit
rate := debug.GetDec 'Get number to
use as sample rate
'Enter preset rates (10k, 2k, 1k, 100, 20, 10, 2, 1)
if samples > 4096
samples := 4096
if samples =< 0
samples := 1
'This is triggered by pin 16 going high via pushbutton
:= 4096
'Sample size default to 4096 readings
rate :=
'Rate default is 1mSec
x :=
'Place holder for array indexing
t1 :=
tStart := cnt 'Timer to
derive timing accuracy
t1 :=
'Time between samples clfkfreq=80,000,000
'adcreads[x] := ADC.average(0,10) 'This line uses averages
to smooth S/N ration
adcreads[x] := 'This line reads
one sample at designated time
'This line waits for t1 calculated time to resample
'Increment x for next reading
'save to log.txt
debug.str(String(" Samples Taken "))
PUB ReadADC2 | rate, tStart, t1, t2, time, x
''Reads channel 0 of ADC for AndroiDAQ DEMO
ADC.start(19, 20, 18, 00_0001) 'Start ADC
waitcnt(clkfreq/1000 + cnt) 'one millisecond
between readings
:= 448
'Sample size default to 448 for o-scope readings
:= debug.rxcheck
'This section gets #samples and rate from Serial port
menu > 0
rate := debug.GetDec 'Get number to
use as sample rate
x :=
'Place holder for array indexing
t1 :=
tStart := cnt 'Timer to
derive timing accuracy
t1 :=
'Time between samples
'adcreads[x] := ADC.average(0,10) 'This line uses averages
to smooth S/N ration
adcreads[x] := 'This line reads
one sample at designated time
'This line waits for t1 calculated time to resample
'Increment x for next reading
x := 0
repeat x
from 0 to samples - 1
'read out the samples to Serial and save to log.txt
debug.str(num.decz(adcreads[x], 4))
if x
< samples - 1
debug.str(String(", "))
'line feed for end of line for LabVIEW
'line feed for end of line for LabVIEW
'save to log.txt
PUB ReadADC3 | rate, tStart, t1, t2, time, x
''Reads channel 0 of ADC for AndroiDAQ DEMO
O-Scope using #samples and rate, no save to SD
ADC.start(19, 20, 18, 00_0001) 'Start ADC
:= debug.rxcheck
'This section gets #samples and rate from Serial port
menu > 0
samples := debug.GetDec
'Get number of samples limited to 4096 due to array limit
rate := debug.GetDec 'Get number to
use as sample rate
preset rates (20k, 10k, 2k, 1k, 100, 20, 10, 2, 1)
if samples > 2048
samples := 2048
if samples =< 0
samples := 1
x :=
0 'Place
holder for array indexing
t1 :=
tStart := cnt 'Timer to
derive timing accuracy
t1 :=
'Time between samples clfkfreq=80,000,000
'adcreads[x] := ADC.average(0,10) 'This line uses averages
to smooth S/N ration
adcreads[x] := 'This line reads one
sample at designated time
'This line waits for t1 calculated time to resample
'Increment x for next reading
x := 0
repeat x
from 0 to samples - 1
'read out the samples to Serial
debug.str(num.decz(adcreads[x], 4))
if x
< samples - 1
debug.str(String(", "))
'line feed for end of line for LabVIEW
'line feed for end of line for LabVIEW
oScope uses menu item 18 during
serial communications, which triggers the ReadADC3 subroutine in the firmware.
Here you will find the ReadADC3 waits for two more parameters to be sent via
the serial port: the number of samples and sample rate. After these values are
received from the serial port, the firmware reads ADC channel zero, which is
sampled the number of samples desired and at the sample rate iteration. A
serial command to do this would look like this 018\r 01000\r, 01000\r. This example
command would give you 1000 samples taken at 1-millisecond intervals. For more
information on how the AndroiDAQ firmware interacts with LabVIEW, please refer
to my previous article titled: “LabVIEW How-to, with the AndroiDAQ Data
Acquisition Module” which is available at:
These are the basics of operation
and for using the new AndroiDAQ oScope for LabVIEW. We hope that you find that it
is a useful tool to help you in designing your next Internet of Things project
using the AndroiDAQ module. Feel free to modify this VI and share your changes
on our forums, so that all AndroiDAQ users can benefit from this new visual
electronic analog to digital conversion tool.
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